From the books she wrote, we make a selection: Toaca summon. Roumanian Repertory. Monography, musical typology and musical anthology, Bucharest, Editura Academiei Române, 1999; Segments from the chronology of a development, two volumes, Bucharest, Editura Muzicală, 2004, 2005; Church Chants in style of Bishop Ioan I. Pap from Arad, Bucharest, Editura Arefeană, 2003; Church Chants from Region Arad, Arad, Univesrsity Aurel Vlaicu: Book of Liturgy/2000, Book of Vespers/2001, Book of Liturgy and Book of Vespers - II Edition end Book of Orthros, 2006; Anastasimatarion from Arad, București, 2006; Studies and materialien in musicology, Bucharest, 2006; Folk-music for marriage, București, 2009; Unity and variety in Roumanian music of Byzantine Tradition. The Regional Styles, Bucharest, 2009; The bells of Bukowina, DVD, Suceava, Centrul pentru Conservarea si promovarea Culturii Traditionale, 2010; Sigismund Toduță and the liturgical style of Blaj, Cluj-Napoca, Fundația “S. Toduță” – Editura Arpeggione, 2011; Byzantine sources in enescian metamorphoses, Editura Musatinii, Suceava, 2011; Contributions in highlighting the traditional musical heritage of Banat and Transilvania, Editura Muzicală, București, 2011; Christmas Carols from Dorna Area, CCPCT-SV, Suceava, 2011