Iulia Narcisa CIBISESCU-DURAN, composer

cibisescuduran @

Romanian Romanian

Copyright: cIMeC
Last Update:
May 19, 2005


– Composer, Conductor, Lecturer dr., Pianist, Poet –


1972-1984 – Music Lyceum, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Diploma in piano
1985-1990 – Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Studied composition with Prof. Emeritus dr. Cornel Taranu
1990 – Diploma in Music, Major in composition
1991-1996 – Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Studied orchestra conducting with Prof. Univ. Conductor Emil Simon and Prof. Univ. Conductor Petre Sbarcea
1996 – Diploma in Music, Major in conducting orchestra

WORKSHOP – participation:
1991-1998 – Composition – Workshop, Busteni (Romania), Instructor Prof. Aurel Stroe
1995, 1996 – Composition – Workshop, "Jougend Festpieltreffen", Bayreuth (Germany), Instructor Wilfried Hiller
1996 – Composition – Workshop, Centre Acanthese, Villeneuve les Avignon (France), Instructors: Ph. Manoury, M. Reverdy, A. Solbiatti
1997 – Internationaler Meisterkurs für Komposition, Brandenburgisches colloquium für neue musik (Germany), Instructors: M. Spahlinger, G. Stäbler, F. Goldmann, Paul-Heinz Dittrich

1990-1995 – Teacher of harmony, conterpoint, theory, music history at Music Lyceum of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
1995 – University assistant at Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
1998 – University lecturer at Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
1990-1996 – Wrote a lot of musical chronics, interviews at specialty newspapers
1992 – Founded my own contemporary music group "Art Contrast"
1992-1997 – Concerts contemporary music with "Art Contrast" Group
1992 – Member of the Union of Romanian Composers and Musicologists
1994 – Conducting Philharmonic Orchestra of Ploiesti (Romania), in the "International Young Conductor Festival", Busteni (Romania)
1994 – Conducting the Students' Orchestra of the Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca, Alba-Iulia (Romania)
1995 – Member of jury for selection the romanian melody participating to Eurovision
1995-1996 – Conducting Philharmonic Orchestra of Craiova in the "Competition of Young Conductors" Craiova (Romania)
1996 – Conducting the Students' Orchestra of the Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
1996-2001 – Conducting concerts with Philharmonic orchestras of Sibiu, Craiova, Ploiesti, Targu-Mures, Brasov, Botosani
1997 – Participation of the Musicologie Colocvium in Rheinsberg (Germany), with the work "The influences of Schönberg's music on my own composition"
1997 – Participation of the International Conference of Musicologic in Chisinau (Republic of Moldavia) with the work "Aspects of the complexity in the romanian postmodern music"
2000 – Member of "Professional Women's Advisory Board" at American Biographical Institute
2001 – Doctor in Stilistic of Music
1991-2005 Participation with compositions at "Toamna Muzicala Clujeana" Festival in Cluj-Napoca
1987-2005 – Recitals with my own compositions at "Musical Season", Music Academy in Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
2003 – Member of A.R.F.A.
2005 – Participation at "Cluj Modern" Festival in Cluj-Napoca

1986 – "Prize of Music Academy" of Cluj-Napoca at "Ghe. Dima Competition" for Two lieder for soprano and piano and Quartet for winds
1987 – "The second prize" at "Ghe. Dima Competition" Cluj-Napoca, for the composition "Sonata for piano"
1988 – "The second prize" at the "Festival of the the students' creation", Targu Mures (Romania), for "Passacaglia for piano"
1988 – "The first prize" at "Ghe. Dima Competition", Cluj-Napoca (Romania), for Humanitas-mixtet choir, lyrics by Otilia Cazimir
1989 – "The first prize" at the "Festival of the students' creation", Iasi (Romania), for the composition Trio for winds
1989 – "The first prize" at "Ghe. Dima Competition", Cluj – Napoca (Romania) for Second Cantate for Mezzosoprana and 5 instruments, lyrics by Ana Blandiana
1990 – "The prize of Composers Union" at "Ghe. Dima Competition", Cluj-Napoca (Romania), for String Quartet nr.1
1992 – "The second prize" at "Ghe Dima International Competition", Cluj-Napoca (Romania), for Poemés pathétiques for choir mixt, lyrics by Appollinaire and Baudelaire
1995 – Mention at "National Competition of choral composition", Bucharest (Romania), for the choir Humanitas, lyrics by Otilia Cazimir
1995 – "Jean and Constantin Bobescu Prize" for conducting in Competition of Young Conductors, Craiova (Romania)
1996 – "Filip Lazar Prize", for conducting in Competition of Young Conductors, Craiova (Romania)
1996 – "The first prize" to the National Competition of Composition, Iasi (Romania), for Melancolia Egeei, lieder for sopranomezzosoprano and piano, lyrics by Greek contemporary poets
1996 – "The Romanian Television Prize", Iasi (Romania) for Melancolia Egeei lieder for sopranomezzosoprano and piano, lyrics by Greek contemporary poets
1996 – The "Lucian Blaga" Prize, at "Lucian Blaga International Festival", Sebes (Romania), for Three lieder for soprano and chamber orchestra, lyrics by Lucian Blaga
1999 – The 2nd Prize of "Lucian Blag International Festival for the composition" Three lieder for tenor, viola and piano, lyrics by Lucian Blaga, Sebes (Romania)

Ascunzisuri de masti – vers, Editura Mesagerul, 1995, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Taina egipteana – vers, Editura Cogito, 1997, Oradea (Romania)
Structuri polimorfe în postmodernismul muzical românesc – musicology, Editura Media Musica, 2002, Cluj – Napoca (Romania)
Cvartet de coarde nr. 3 – score and parts, Editura Media Musica, 2002, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Poeti clujeni contemporani-anthology – Editura Ana, 1997, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Dictionar de poeti-Clujul contemporan-de Petru Poanta-anthology – 1988, Fundatia Culturala Forum, 1998, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Stefan cel Mare si Sfant-500-Culegere de coruri – Editura Musatinii, 2004, Suceava
Scriitori clujeni contemporani-de Horia Muntenus-anthology - Editura Diotima, 2004, Cluj-Napoca sus


2 Lieder for soprano and piano, lyrics by Marin Sorescu (1986)
2 Choirs mixt on popular vers (1986)
Sonata for piano (1987)
Passacaglia for piano (1987)
Trio for winds (1988)
"Humanitas" – mixt choir (1988), lyrics by Otilia Cazimir
Sonata for voice and contrabasso, lyrics by Marin Sorescu (1989)
The I-st Cantata for mezzosoprano, baritono and chamber orchestra, lyrics by Dimitrie Pacuraru (1989)
The II-nd Cantata for mezzosoprano and five instruments, lyrics by Ana Blandiana (1989)
The I-st Symphony (1990)
String quartet no. 1 (1990)
Sonata for flüte and piano (1991)
"Poemés pathétiques" for mixt choir, lyrics by Appollinaire and Baudelaire (1991)
"Evolutii" for symphonic orchestra (1992)
Poems for string quartet (1993)
"Melancholy of Egeea" lieder for soprano, mezzosoprano and piano, lyrics by Greek contemporary poets (1993)
The I-st Sonata for viola and piano, (1994)
The III-rd Cantata – "I have a dream" for soprano, mezzosoprano, alto, and six instruments, lyrics by Horia Badescu (1995)
Fantasy and toccatta for solo flüte (1995)
Three Lieder for soprano and chamber orchestra, vers: Lucian Blaga (1996)
Sonata for solo clarinetto (1996)
Suita for symphonic orchestra (1997)
"Cântec si dans" for clarinetto and three percutionists (1996)
Duo for viola and violoncello (1997)
An "Ave Maria" – Kantate, on latin text (1997)
"Memento" for two violoncelli (1997)
"Sentimentul eonic" – lieder for soprano and viola, lyrics by Dan Damaschin (1997)
Three lieder for soprano and piano, lyrics by M.Sorescu, Flavia Teoc, popular lyrics
The 2-nd Sonata for viola and piano ("Fantasia quasi una sonata") (1998)
Three Lieder for tenor, viola and piano, lyrics Lucian Blaga (1998)
Suita for solo violin "Seven lyrics by Bacovia" (1998)
Four pieces for clarinetto and violin (1998)
Concert for viola and string orchestra (1998)
String quartet nr. 2 (1999)
Reflectii for violoncello and piano (2000)
Crochiuri for trombon and percution (2001)
String quartet nr.3 (2001)
The 3-rd Sonata for viola and piano (2000)
Trio for two violas and percussion (2003)
Sonata I for violino and piano (2003)
String quartet nr.4 (2003)
String quartet nr.5 (2004)
Concert for violin and orchestra (2005)
Suita for violin and piano (2005) sus