"Evolutiv" for doublebass ="Evolutiv" pentru contrabas (1985)
First Performance: 1986: Bucureşti, Ateneul Român
Other Auditions: 1998: Fiuggy
"Sonata" for solo clarinet = Sonata pentru clarinet (1990)
Durations: 8'15"
First Performance: 1994: Chişinău
Other Auditions: 1998: New York, Washington; 1996: Darmstadt;
1999: Londra; 2001: Roma
Recorded: Bucureşti: UCMR-ADA, 2000, CD de autor
MVCD 1102 Reverberations (soloist Emil Sein)
"Intro, Fugato and Synthesis" for organ = "Intro, Fugato and Synthesis" pentru orgă (1995)
First Performance: 1999: Londra
Other Auditions: 2000: Roma
"Sax-Suggestions" for saxophone soprano, baritone and 2 mouth piece - "Sax-Suggestions" pentru saxofon soprano, alto şi bariton (1998)
Durations: 9'37"
First Performance: 1998: New York
Other Auditions: 1998: Washington; 2001: Roma
Recorded: Bucureşti: UCMR-ADA, 2000, CD de autor
MVCD 1102 Reverberations (soloist Emil Sein)
"Un altra Ciaccona" per violino = "Un altra ciaccona" pentru vioară (2001)
First Performance: 2002: Roma
Other Auditions: 2002: Veneţia, St. Gallen, Hong Kong (World
Music Days)
Recorded: CD colectiv JPCD0004, 2002
"Monologue" for trombone = "Monologue" pentru trombon (2001)
First Performance: 2002: Geneva
"Metamorphoses II" for flute and tape = "Metamorphoses II" pentru flaut şi bandă (1985)
First Performance: 1986: Bucureşti, Ateneul Român
"Zamolxe" chamber cantata for bass, horn piano and percussion = "Zamolxe" - cantată de cameră pentru corn, pian şi percuţie (1986)
First Performance: 1986: Bucureşti, Ateneul Român
Other Auditions: 1986: Cluj
"Sonata" for piano and bassoon = "Sonata" pentru pian şi fagot (1986)
First Performance: 1987: Bucureşti, Ateneul Român
Other Auditions: 1988: Bacău
"Indian Interferences" for harp and percussion = "Interferenţe indice" pentru harpă şi percuţie
First Performance: 1995: Bucureşti, Ateneul Român
Other Auditions: 1998: New York; 2001: Roma; 2002: Geneva (choreographic version)
Edited: Bucureşti: Editura Muzicală, 2001
"Trio" for piano, violin and bassoon=Trio pentru pian, vioară şi fagot (1990)
First Performance: 1991: Ploieşti
Other Auditions: 1995: Anvers
"Contrastes" for saxophones, percussion and piano = "Contrastes" pentru saxofon, percuţie şi pian (1993)
First Performance: 1994: Timişoara
Other Auditions: 1998: Bucureşti
Edited: Bucureşti: Editura Muzicală, 2002
"Armenian Interferences" for mezzo-soprano, clarinet and string quartet = "Interferenţe armeneşti" pentru mezzo-soprană, clarinet
şi cvartet de coarde (1994-1995)
First Performance: 1996: Bucureşti, Festivalul "Săptămâna
Internaţională a Muzicii Noi"
Other Auditions: 1998: Washington; 2001: Roma; 2002: Geneva (choreographic version)
"Symmetries" for ensemble = "Symmetries" pentru oboi, clarinet, fagot, percuţie, pian, vioară
şi violoncel (1995)
Durations: 7'32"
First Performance: 1996: Bucureşti, Festivalul "Săptămâna
Internaţională a Muzicii Noi", Muzeul "George Enescu"
Other Auditions: 1998: Indiana of Pennsylvania; 1999: Huddersfield
Recorded: Bucureşti: UCMR-ADA, 2000, CD de autor
MVCD 1102 Reverberations ansamblul FIREBIRD (conductor Barrie Webb)
"Reverberations" for trombone and percussion - "Reverberations" pentru trombon şi percuţie (1996)
Durations: 10'29"
First Performance: 1997: Bucureşti, Festivalul "Săptămâna
Internaţională a Muzicii Noi"
Other Auditions: 1999: Fiuggy; 2001: Roma; 2002: Geneva (choreographic version)
Recorded: Bucureşti: UCMR-ADA, 2000, CD de autor
MVCD 1102 Reverberations, Barrie Webb (trombone) şi Alexandru Matei
"Inter-Flutes" for flute and whistle - "Inter-Flutes" pentru flaut şi fluier (2000)
First Performance: 2000: Bucureşti
Other Auditions: 2000: Columbia
"Dialogue" pentru trombone and saxophone - "Dialogue" pentru trombon şi saxofon (2000)
First Performance: 2001: Roma
Other Auditions: 2002: Bucureşti
"Symphony I" for three cadential groups of instruments and string orchestra = "Simfonia I" pentru trei grupe de instrumente cadenţiale şi
orchestră de coarde (1987)
First Performance: 1988: Ploieşti, Filarmonica
Recorded: CD de autor MVCD-1101, 1997
Concerto for clarinet and orchestra = Concert pentru clarinet şi orchestră (1988)
First Performance: 1989: Ploieşti, Filarmonica
Recorded: CD de autor MVCD-1101, 1997
"Hyposthasis" variations for orchestra = "Ipostaze" variaţii pentru orchestră (1990)
First Performance: 1991: Cluj, Filarmonica
Other Auditions: 1996: Timişoara
"Ego-Visions" pentru orchestră (1992)
First Performance: 1998: Bucureşti, Orchestra Naţională Radio
Other Auditions: 1999: Iaşi (World Music Days)
"Parallel times" - Simfonia a II-a pentru orgă, percuţie şi
coarde (1994-1995)
First Performance: 2002: Bucureşti, Orchestra Naţională Radio
Concert pentru saxofon şi orchestră (1997) Durations: 20'02"
First Performance: 1998: Bucureşti, Festivalul "Săptămâna
Internaţională a Muzicii Noi" (Orchestra Naţională
Recorded: Bucureşti: UCMR-ADA, 2000, CD de autor
MVCD 1102 Reverberations, Filarmonica din Arad (dirijor Barrie Webb, soloist
Emil Sein)
"Ego-Visions" for orchestra = "Esences" concert pentru flaut şi orchestră (1999)
First Performance: 2000: Bucureşti, Festivalul "Săptămâna
Internaţională a Muzicii Noi"
"Mega-Dialogue" for saxophone(s) and wind orchestra = "Mega-Dialogue" pentru saxofon şi orchestră de suflători (2001-2002)
"De-a v-ati ascunselea" poem for mixed chorus = "De-a v-aţi ascunselea" poem pentru cor mixt (1988)
First Performance: 1995: Bucureşti, Radiodifuziunea Română
Other Auditions: 1995: Craiova
Edited: Bucureşti: Editura Muzicală, 2002
"Credo" poem for mixed chorus = "Credo" poem pentru cor mixt (1998)
First Performance: 1998: Bucureşti
"Glass circle" ballet in 3 acts = "Cercul de sticlă" - balet în 3 acte (1986)
First Performance: 1986: Ploieşti, Filarmonica (versiune de concert)
Music for the film "Pasaj" = Muzică pentru filmul artistic "Pasaj" (1990)
First Performance: 1991: Bucureşti
Tehnical-expressive Modalities of Saxophone in Romanian Concertant
Edited: Bucureşti: Editura Muzicală, 2002
Polyphonic Typologies in the Romanian Contemporary Music
Edited: Bucureşti: Editura Muzicală, 2002